Feast your eyes on the Chanel Croc Biarritz, an oversized (literally huge) Chanel tote designed with black crocodile. Forbes reports that there are three of these in Chanel NYC, two in Chanel LA, and three more wandering around select Neiman Marcus locations. There is a simply understated external zip pocket with a CC silver pull and dividers on the inside. Not sure if the bag can be found anywhere now, but the Chanel Croc Biarritz deserves much more fuss and press and spotlight than the LV bag of horrors. Coming in at $43,150, this bag is sure to be exclusive not only because of the limited quantity made, but also the exorbitant price tag. Any of you get one of the eight known beauties? Wanna share?? For more information contact your local Chanel boutique or Chanel online.