Your Apple questions anwsered....

I am a Mac user and like many Mac user I was lured in by the sleek look and how much easier it was then a PC. Well, they sure did make me a lifetime user and I converter everyone I know to Apple. I currently date this really great guy that is music engineer and a Mac Genius. So, I asked him to answer some questions. If you have any questions please contact me and I will ask him!!!

How do I know when apple is going to do an update or when its' actually safe to buy a product? Well the answer would be you wouldn't have a correct answer cause apple is so secretive you're have to follow a couple of trends with their products. Always pay close attention to the software updates 9 time out of 10 that will be a dead giveaway also look at your product if it seems like its lacking something it is. Another thing is pay attention to their website and rumor websites. If Apple's site goes down that means that they're adding a new product and if the rumor site goes into legitimate detail and have credible sources then its true.

Okay I had a PC computer for years and I just got this Apple computer what do I do with it??? Well the first thing you want to do is familiarize yourself with you computer's surroundings. The bottom part is called the Dock which will hold "shortcuts" or "direct links" back to your program. Think of the dock as the Start menu in windows with a blue happy face on it. Speaking of the blue happy face this little guy will help you find alot of stuff inside your computer. As you navigate through the window please be sure to take your time and read the entire screen! Its not a race and more than likely the answer is on the screen. At the top you will notice the time and all the other stuff that was on your PC but in the bottom right hand corner. So take a few mins to look around and explore your computer you can click on stuff and find out what it does stop worrying about it crashing!

There's no buttons on the cd drive nor does it say I need Anti Virus stuff what do I need to do??? Well when you need to take a cd out of the computer or flash drive, just click and drag the the object from your desktop to the trash and as for Virus software you don't need that stuff! It only causes more harm than good...

For all of you photo people out there what is the best photo program to get??? photoshop??? Not really you can use what's built in and be perfectly fine depending on the project. Iphoto can do Alot of editing for free at a somewhat professional level with the ease of a child program. But if you're a photographer who doesnt rely on photoshop for all editing you can use the more powerful Aperture to satisfy your needs cause this app will allow you to do more traditional photojournalistic like editing, categorizing, and presentations. Then there's photoshop which does that and alot more. This will allow for more photo manipulation and crazy edits. Just like you hear on T.V. or on word of mouth this program does that and a lot more. And for us that are talented but not gifted there's a program called pixelmator which is half the cost and half the learning curve as photoshop. This programs has all the tools photoshop elements would have but easier terms to learn.


Toasted Frenchie said...

I love my Mac:) It's just sad that I still haven't taken the time to visit my local Mac store and attend a class:(

Tee said...

I wrote the post mainly for you. So if you have any questions just hit me up