Nail Art is my addiction. Its kinda funny cause when i was in High School I hated nail art I thought it was "ghetto" hahaha & now its my addiction. Funky Nail Art is the last crazy among women across the world. Within hours your nails will be transformed into beautiful art. Nail art designs are becoming more and more innovative these days being high in demand. Many people go in for their individualized designs.

I found two great links for you guys to try Nail Art
video's & Minx Nail Art
link. Both offer more information on Nail Art. Minx nails have recently become the crazy in Hollywood. Solange, Beyonce, Rihanna, Eve, & Blake Lively have all been seen rocking this film design nails. The plus is since it's a picture film it wont chip like when you use your regular nail polish. Furthermore its like a 15-20 minute to get it done depending on the level.

To each their own... I love bright colors on my nails. However, I left the dots, swirls, and stone combinations back in High School. After a person reaches a certain age, it's tacky... no matter how elaborate the design is.
All of the nails pictured are lovely in the photos but, in real life, it's a bit much... especially for those ladies over the age of 25. Also, most females over the age of 23 don't have jobs where they can flaunt nails like these. As I stated before, to each their own:)
Also, I know that you say that these are all on a film but, these nails look like an infection waiting to happen!! I like to pleasure myself without using toys... I don't need pieces of my "nail art" breaking off inside of me and causing a UTI or yeast infection!!! LMAO!!!!!!!
I never used nail artmuch in high school but I did wear long fake nails...I love some nail art right now, but I can't wear most of them because I no longer like wearing fake acrylic nails....so I only rock nail art that looks cute on my shorter natural nails and admire the other stuff from afar.
@ Quelle-
One of my BFF's in H.S.'s parents owned the nail salon that I went to... "I got the hookup. Holla if ya hear me!" - a la Master P (I think) lol!!
Right now, all I rock is a mani pedi:)
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