Taraji P. Henson, Iman, and Serena Williams all grace Essence April issue for SEXY at any age cover. I really don't like the cover very much and just looks like a bad photoshopped for some reason. Below is last years cover an which i truly love
Remember the one with Iman, Tyra, and Halle I think. It was a few years ago with all the Star Powerful Black Women. Well yeah I'm not a fan of this cover either because it's looks last minute put together. What is their common ground? Iman is not in her 40s... Looks like it but she's not. And It's like they replaced Halle with Taraji just because we all LOVED Benjamin Button and forgave her for Baby Boy! LOL
Yes, that cover could have been much better and not just because it looks thrown together at the last minute. Iman looks great but there are plenty of older black women that look great as well, can't have the same women all the time. Why not Stacey Dash for 40 year old age bracket? Is Veronica Webb in her 30's still? If so, how is she looking?
Speaking of Baby Boy, I can't remember the first name of the actress that played Tyrese's mother(last name is Johnson) but I know she still has it in her 30's or 40's.
Remember the one with Iman, Tyra, and Halle I think. It was a few years ago with all the Star Powerful Black Women. Well yeah I'm not a fan of this cover either because it's looks last minute put together. What is their common ground? Iman is not in her 40s... Looks like it but she's not. And It's like they replaced Halle with Taraji just because we all LOVED Benjamin Button and forgave her for Baby Boy! LOL
Yes, that cover could have been much better and not just because it looks thrown together at the last minute. Iman looks great but there are plenty of older black women that look great as well, can't have the same women all the time. Why not Stacey Dash for 40 year old age bracket? Is Veronica Webb in her 30's still? If so, how is she looking?
Speaking of Baby Boy, I can't remember the first name of the actress that played Tyrese's mother(last name is Johnson) but I know she still has it in her 30's or 40's.
Dang Tee!! Why didn't you tell me that you did a cover??? LMAO!!
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